Dani Pettrey


So excited to have Author Dani Pettrey here today sharing a bit about herself and her debut SUBMERGED.





Tell the readers a little about yourself?

I am a wife, a Christian, a mother and I home school my daughter who is in high school. My oldest just finished up her freshman year of college. My husband and I will be celebrating our 20th anniversary this fall. We live on the East Coast and really enjoy being so near the ocean and the mountains.

What events led to you becoming a writer?

I have always loved daydreaming and making up stories. I dabbled with creative writing growing up, but set it aside. It wasn’t until after the birth of my youngest daughter and a bout with a serious illness, that I really felt God stirring me to start writing again.

You write what is considered Christian Fiction; Who is Christ to you and why do you find it important to relay His message in your work?

Christ is my Savior, my Redeemer, and my Lord. My faith is such an integral part of my life, of every aspect of my life that it only feels natural for my faith to be part of the stories I tell.

 Tell us a little about SUBMERGED?

            Submerged is the first book in my Alaskan Courage series. It’s the story of Cole McKenna and Bailey Craig.

A sabotaged plane. Two dead deep-water divers. One single clue.

Bailey Craig vowed never to set foot in Yancey, Alaska, again. She has a past, and a reputation–and Yancey’s a town that doesn’t forget. She’s returned only to bury a loved one killed in the plane crash, but then dark evidence emerges and Bailey’s own expertise becomes invaluable for the case.

Cole McKenna can face dangerous rescue dives. He can face the fear a murderer may be threatening his town. But facing the reality of Bailey’s reappearance is a tougher challenge. She broke his heart… but doesn’t seem to be the same girl who left Yancey ten years ago. And he’s not the same guy she left behind.

Racing against the clock and a rising body count, Bailey and Cole must move beyond the hurts of their pasts to work together until the truth of what is hidden in the depths finally surfaces.

What inspired you to write this book?

Actually, it was a movie I watched called The Cave. It got me thinking about cave divers and what type of person would pursue that as a career. I found the research and the men and women who cave dive to be fascinating, and Cole McKenna was born.

What do you want your readers to take away from this book?

That we find wholeness and fulfillment in Christ alone.

Will you dabble in other writing styles?

I love writing inspirational romantic suspense because it incorporates so many things I love–the thrill of adventure, nail-biting suspense, the deepening of one’s faith and plenty of romance so I don’t see myself changing styles anytime soon, but only God knows what He has in store for me 🙂

What can you tell other writers to encourage them in pursing their writing goals?

Keep writing. It sounds trite, but it’s very easy to become discouraged. Writing can be a solitary endeavor and there are many obstacles along the path to publication, but if God has placed the love of story on your heart then write for Him. You just may be amazed what He does with it J

Though you are a known published writer do you still partake in writing contests? If so why?

I haven’t yet since Submerged just released, but I imagine I will. It’s simply another way to reach new readers.

Where can readers find your books?

Submerged is available at your local bookstores and from online retailers (CBD, LifeWay, Amazon, etc.)

Where can readers find out more about what you’re working on?

Sign up for my newsletter: http://oi.vresp.com/?fid=31e3d4e2f5

It’s where I share news about upcoming projects and sneak peeks first.

If you could use one word to describe yourself what would it be?

I cheated a little and asked my family. They came up with bubbly and I think it works 🙂

LOL well bubbly is a great way to be described. Out of all the places in the world to relax and pick up your pen and write where would you want to be?

Definitely a warm, sunny beach. I adore the beach and would really love to live there someday. It’s so peaceful and calming and I always feel so close to God’s magnificent creation there.

Nice who doesn’t love the beach. Would you give us a teaser excerpt from SUBMERGED?

Bailey kept her gaze downcast as people shuffled past. So many pairs of shoes moving by. So many who loved Agnes.

In a few minutes they’d all be gone and she could say a proper goodbye, without anyone peering on. She’d tell her aunt how much she loved her and how desperately she’d miss hearing that gravely voice encouraging her, prodding her on…even chastising her when she needed a good kick in the pants.

“Bailey.” A hand rested on her shoulder.

She flinched, her heart nearly stopping.

It wasn’t Pastor John, but she knew the voice. It haunted her often in her dreams.

Her heart sank as she gazed up into those eyes—the same seafoam green ones that first filled her with joy and then with shame.

It’d been futile thinking she could avoid him in a town Yancey’s size. He was as much a part of the place as tides were the ocean. Every memory of Yancey was wrapped up in him. Her best and worst.

“Sorry.” Cole offered a weak smile. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

She blinked. It was all she was capable of.

He extended a hand. “Cole McKenna. Don’t know if you remember me.”

How could she forget?

Thanks so much Dani for being here and sharing!!!